Frequently Asked Questions


Where are the Université Jean Monnet libraries located ?

BU Roanne
Address: 24-30 Avenue de Paris 42 300 ROANNE
Phone number: 04 77 44 89 48
E-mail: bu.roanne @

BU Santé (Library of Health studies)
Address: 10 Rue de la Marandière, 42270 Saint-Priest-en-Jarez
Phone number: 04 77 42 14 19
E-mail: bu.sante @

BU Sciences Métare (Library of Sciences, La Métare Campus)
Address : 21 Rue du Dr Paul Michelon, 42023 SAINT-ÉTIENNE
Phone number : 04 77 48 15 94
E-mail : bu.sciences @

Learning Center
Address : 11 Rue Dr Rémy Annino 42000 Saint-Étienne
Phone number :
E-mail : bu.manufacture @

BU Tréfilerie-Michel Durafour (Library of arts, languages, social sciences, humanities, law and economics)
Address : 1 rue Tréfilerie, 42023 Saint-Étienne Cedex 2
Phone number :
E-mail : bu.trefilerie @

What are the opening hours of the libraries ?

The opening hours may vary from one library to another. You may find all the schedules on this page.

How can I join the library ?

In order to use all the services offered by the library, you must first validate your registration at the reception of your library. As a student of the Université Jean Monnet this is totally free of charge.

How can I borrow a document ?

In order to borrow a document (books, periodicals, DVDs), you must have your registration validated at the reception of the library in the first place. Only then will you be able to borrow the documents with your student card.

How can I extend a document ?

If the documents you have already borrowed are still up to date, you will be able to extend their loans. However, if it is late or if another student has reserved them, this will not be possible. This task can be done at the library helpdesk or from your reader-account. In order to connect to your reader-account, you must first enter your log-in and university
password for authentication.

How can I find information resources within the libraries ?

The library catalogue BRISE-ES will help you find all the research within all the university
libraries on any kinds of documents:
• Books or printed periodicals ;
• Electronic periodicals, e-books, databases
• Theses
• DVDs, CDs

How can I reach numerical resources by distance ?

On campus via MyUJM
Within the premises of the university and of the libraries, you can reach the resources by using your login and your university password.

Off campus
You can reach the numerical resources by distance by changing the proxy parameter of your web navigator. To do so, you will need to reach the proxy parameter within your navigator and use the university proxy address:
Do not hesitate to ask someone at the library helpdesk.

I need to do some groupwork. Is that possible ?

Within all the libraries you will find specific groupwork rooms.
You can book these groupwork rooms on our website or via Affluences.

My laptop is down. Can the library help me ?

You can borrow a laptop at the library onsite or at home. To do so onsite, you must have your registration validated at the reception of the library in the first place. You can ask for more information at the library helpdesk. At home, not only must you have your registration validated at the reception of the library in the first place, but you also must give us your student card, a copy of identification and some proof of address. The loan can be done at the helpdesk of the libraries on the following sites: Roanne, Métare/Manufacture, Santé (Health department), or within the Music and Image
department (Pôle Musiques et Images) of the Tréfilerie Site.